My Word for the Year
I often struggle with narrowing down my word for the year to just one. How about you? This year I have had several words that have felt strong for me. The two that are resonating the strongest for me right now are Compose and Learn. Other words that came to the forefront where release, purge and inspire.
So how do you choose? I let them simmer for a bit and see if one bubbles to the top of the pot.
Sometimes signs show up along the way - maybe when we read something, listen to music, or meditate.
Another favourite way for me is to journal - this often brings clarity through words and pictures.
Kinesiology muscle testing can be used. or using a pendulum is the choice for some.
It doesn’t matter how you arrive at your word and sometimes the word that stands out may be a surprise to you.
Trust that the word you pick is the right one.
As Elizabeth Gilbert would say ….Onward!
““Do what you feel in your heart to be right – for you’ll be criticized anyway.”
― Eleanor Roosevelt”
There is still time to sign up for my Guiding Word and Soul Board Workshop on January 11, 2020.